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It would be nice just to have something nailed down for eternity, but I went in to computers and that means my books quickly become obsolete, Fortunately, you don't have to write all new material. Also the material might become obsolete if you're in some fast-changing field. If you start publishing an ezine or a blog now, you will be inspired to write material on a regular basis certainly not less than once every six weeks. If you haven't been publishing an ezine or blog, it would be a good idea to start. As an exle, I send out aluminum coated mylar an ezine once a month called To Wit on how to write memorable phrases. Writing your first book, you can use articles you've already written or are writing anyway. You need to write a book in order to advance in your profession.

An ezine or a blog keeps you in touch with people who are interested in what you are offering. Clients come seeking out the acknowledged leaders. A book of useful information and advice is a promotional package that people will pay for and won't throw away. Publishing a book helps establish your leadership in your profession. Writing your first book needn't take you away from your everyday life if you can find a way to reuse what you've already written or are writing anyway. And when you have a new offer -- some service, some product, or a seminar, for exle you can e-mail them and invite them to give it a try. I've been doing this for four years now.

Once you have been publishing the ezine for a few years, you should have enough material for a book without being aware that you've written it. About Author Karen Saunders :. If you are interested in writing your first book to promote your professional practice, you may be worried about how much effort it will take.Writing your first book is a daunting prospect even though you are motivated. If just sitting down and writing a book looks like months of arduous labor, you're right, it is. Nevertheless, the book is selling online, and I'll be selling copies at my Colorado Free University classes on crafting memorable phrases.

If you can get people to sign up for an e-zine, you have your e-mail addresses. I created the book as an exle in my instructional CD, Get Your Book Out, which shows how to publish a book print-on-demand. I kind of regret I didn't go into theology. I recently made a book from them. In fact, publishing the book wasn't my primary purpose. It may take you months and it may take you hours a day for those months, and if you don't enjoy writing, or if you don't have the time, then you might never finish. Writing your first book may already be done if you've been publishing an ezine or blog for a while. Still, writing a book is an intimidating prospect. You may have articles already sitting on your disk that you could just pack together edit slightly and produce a book from.
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